Previous Article: Our Redemption from Shame & Guilt

Conquering the effects of shame and guilt are continual. It requires daily attention and it begins with bringing all things back to Jesus. First, Jesus is kind, loving, and not afraid of us. Shame and guilt want you to believe that Jesus will not be this way towards us. However, it is a lie. Not once did Jesus stop loving the Samaritan woman. Instead He fought for her to gain the complete truth and leave her life of sin. He wanted to be her everything.

The second step requires us battling our thoughts to be aligned with truth versus fear. As the passage states, “true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth” (verse 23). Shame and guilt have a unique way of distorting the truth. It engulfs us in fear and prohibits us from seeing the truth of our own actions and those of Christ. Just like my panic attack as previously noted, it renders us exhausted and trapped in trauma or fears.

In closing, I am aware of the power of shame and guilt as it has plagued me the majority of my life. I am also aware that it requires work to fight against the onset and the effects of shame and guilt. My hope is that this article will assist you in developing your own battle plan!

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