Previous Article: Jesus Redemption from Shame & Guilt

From the story of the Samaritan woman (John 4: 4 – 30), I learned a process of deliverance from shame and guilt.

  1. God uses all circumstances (experiences, people, etc.) to meet us where we are at.
  2. No matter the depth of our sins, Jesus wants to engage with us. He is not repulsed by us, nor afraid to know us.
  3. In all of our attempts to push Jesus away (denounce my salvation); Jesus does not accept our attempts nor excuses. He pushes pass them and fights to have a relationship with us.
  4. Jesus is our gift and living water. Unfortunately, our shame and guilt prevents us from receiving our gift and living water. We became consumed by the wrong things versus the new life Christ wants to bring.
  5. God continually places us in situations to see Him and understand His Son. On certain occasions, we tend to not believe Him. We also may not believe that we can receive His gift.
  6. God exposes our sin. When He does, He is calling us to no longer run away from it or attempt to not take responsibility for it. Our sin fuels shame and guilt. To overcome it, it is necessary to expose it so that it no longer controls us. God first demonstrates His love, before addressing our sin. In His love, God demonstrates that we have the power to conquer our sinful behavior.
  7. Jesus is no ordinary man. He facilitates our salvation.
  8. We are called to stop using poor religion as an excuse. Instead Jesus calls us to true worship in Him. This true worship embraces and understands the true living God. Being engulfed in the true living God means that we allow Him to love us.
  9. True worship requires that every portion of our being is rooted in God’s divine nature. All the energy and effort that we place in other things, especially those items that cause  shame and guilt must  be placed in worshiping God.
  10. We are challenged to stop making excuses and avoiding the call of Christ. Believe, commit, and affirm that Christ will save us.
  11. Upon redemption, freely tell others of Christ. No longer deny His power. The more we tell others about our deliverance in Christ, the more that shame and guilt no longer have power over us.

Continue Reading: Final Thoughts About Shame & Guilt

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